Week In Review: June 4-10

It’s been a good week on ECW blog with some event reports and battle anniversary posts, in addition to the routine Question of the Week and Symposium Spotlight. We’ve kicked off our new blog series which is all about artillery.

Here’s a run-down of the past week at ECW: 

Monday, June 4:

Question of the Week focused on tactics at Cold Harbor.

A list of upcoming events and presentations by ECW members to keep you informed and offer listings in case we’ll be in your neighborhood.

Dwight Hughes shared Part 1 of a study on the Mississippi River Squadron as part of a look at the history of the Siege of Vicksburg on its 155th anniversary.

Tuesday, June 5:

A report from the West Coast with details of Gazette665’s Third Annual Civil War History Conference which Daniel T. Davis and Sarah Kay Bierle attended and presented lectures.

Wednesday, June 6:

Our Symposium Spotlight focused on Edward Alexander and his upcoming presentation on Grant Crossing The James.

An interview with author Jay Jorgensen by an ECW correspondent.

Sarah Kay Bierle’s review of Masterpiece’s TV series Little Women, with a perspective on the Civil War influences in the new production.

Thursday, June 7:

Edward Alexander offered research on the 9th Illinois Cavalry and practical emancipation.

Friday, June 8:

We welcomed our new member, Sean M. Chick, with an introductory blog post.

Our newest blog series Artillery: Battle’s Thunderous Roar began.

Saturday, June 9:

Sean M. Chick shared his first post as an ECW Member and it’s a biography of a Confederate artilleryman and architect.

Chris Mackowski shared a primary source related to the Siege of Vicksburg

Sunday, June 10: 

We started the day with an artillery post: battlefield photography from the archives, focusing on battlefield cannons.

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