Emerging Civil War Announces “The Emerging Civil War Podcast”

You love history and you love Emerging Civil War, and want even more than our blog, books, and symposium. Now, we can discuss history all year and anywhere, not just at the annual Symposium….

At Emerging Civil War, we’ve launched our exclusive podcast!

Join our brigade of fans and join us on this exciting march into history. Subscribe now, and we’ll give you some extra content for FREE.

We’ll release two podcasts per month, exclusively on Patreon, a premier podcast delivery site. Most podcasts are approximately a half-hour (some are longer!) and available through different subscription levels.

Find our podcast through Patreon! It’s easy to join and you’ll be able to subscribe to receive the podcasts. Our current Patreon supporter levels, fees, and benefits are:

Enlisted – $1.99 per month, receive access to a new podcast every month

Non-Commissioned Officer – $3.99 per month, receive access to two new podcasts every month

More levels, features, and benefits coming in the future! Check-out our Patreon Page for more details and let us know if you have questions.

Wait — there’s more…

Since we’re celebrating the podcast release during our annual Symposium, we’re giving away extra content.

Join Patreon and support the podcast at Enlisted level and you’ll get TWO podcasts this month:

East vs. West: Why does the Western Theater of the war get so overlooked in favor of the East? ECW’s two Polish Chrises—Chris Mackowski and Chris Kolakowski—talk about East versus West. Where was the Civil War really won?

George Armstrong Custer: Fewer American soldiers have become as well-known as George Armstrong Custer. But there’s more to Custer than his ignoble end at the Little Big Horn.  ECW’s Dan Davis, who’s working on an ECW book about Custer, joins Chris Mackowski to explore Custer’s impressive Civil War career.

Join Patreon and support the podcast at Non-Commissioned Officer level and you’ll receive the two podcasts listed above and this bonus, extra long podcast discussion:

Jackson vs. Longstreet: Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet served as the yin and yang of Robert E. Lee’s way of war. Did Lee have a favorite? Join ECW’s Chris Mackowski and Kris White for a discussion sure to stir strong feelings: Stonewall Jacksons vs. James Longstreet. (Exclusively available to NCO supporters on Patreon.)

Head over to the Emerging Civil War exclusive podcast host,  join our brigade, and enjoy the podcasts!

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