Week In Review: August 6-12, 2018
We hope all symposium attendees have returned safely home (or are enjoying an extended trip to visit other historical sites!). Here at Emerging Civil War, we’ve spent the week wrapping up the aftermath of the event…but that doesn’t mean it’s been a slow week on the blog.
You’ll find a couple sets of two-part articles, a post from a new guest author, and other writings of interest in our Week in Review…
Monday, August 6:
Question of the Week offered a chance to add your voice the symposium topic.
Part 1 of Meg Groeling’s posts about the California Historical Artillery Society.
Tuesday, August 7:
Guest author Nathan Marzoli shared his research about “lukewarm patriots” and details from pension files.
Part 2 of Meg Groeling’s post about the California Historical Artillery Society.
Wednesday, August 8:
Derek Maxfield wrote about Major Robert McDowell and making maps through the Carolinas (Part 1).
Kevin Pawlak offered follow-up thoughts to the symposium, asking if leading from the front was really a bad idea.
Thursday, August 9:
Derek Maxfield’s second post about Major Robert McDowell and making maps through the Carolinas (Part 2).
A re-cap of all the Facebook LIVE videos recording during the 5th ECW Symposium – with links!
Friday, August 10:
ECW Correspondent Katherine Duffek reported details of Vicksburg NMP’s decision to bring black powder demonstrations back to the site.
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote the ECW Weekender, sharing about Edinburg Mill in the Shenandoah Valley.
Saturday, August 11:
Preservation News focused on a recent preservation conference hosted by Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation.
Besr Symposium yet, me thinks! Well done to all hands.
Thanks, Mike. It was great to see you!