Week In Review: October 22-28, 2018

Make way! There’s a train coming through.

Well, not literally – but we are certainly enjoying sharing our research on Civil War Railroads in our current blog series. Of course, there are other topics featured on the blog too, including book reviews, upcoming events, what if?, and history over a cup of tea.

Read on to find the links to all of this week’s posts on Emerging Civil War:

Monday, October 22:

Question of the Week asked the interesting and infamous “what if?”

Railroads: Sean Michael Chick wrote about P.G.T. Beauregard’s post-war role as a railroad executive.

There’s an upcoming event at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine in Frederick, MD, that will give you frightened chills (just in time for Halloween).

Tuesday, October 23:

Additional resources are available for the recent ECW Podcast about Civil War Publishing!

Railroads: Chris Kolakowski shared history of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad.

Wednesday, October 24:

Railroads: Bert Dunkerly followed-up his earlier railroad overview with an article about logistics, track, and train management during the Civil War.

Sarah Kay Bierle penned a report of a historic recipes and discussions that she recently enjoyed.

Thursday, October 25:

Railroads: Eric J. Wittenberg focused on the history of the Virginia Central Railroad and how the Union targeted that important transportation route.

Meg Groeling shared a book review on Joanne B. Freeman’s latest study of antebellum politics.

Friday, October 26:

Railroads: Eric J. Wittenberg wrote about the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Confederate raids, and continued Union defense of that rail line.

ECW Weekender revealed a local restaurant in Staunton, Virginia…that’s actually in the historic train station.

Saturday, October 27:

Preservation News offers an exciting update on grants for battlefield preservation in Virginia.

Railroads: Kevin Pawlak shared research about trains and transportation in the aftermath of the Antietam Campaign.

Edward Alexander’s presentation from the 2018 ECW Symposium will air on C-SPAN again!

Sunday, October 28:

Railroads: This morning we rounded up some articles about Civil War Railroads from the ECW Archives.

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