Podcast Additional Resources: “The Forgotten Fall, Part 1”

Intrigued by “The Forgotten Fall” and the discussion started by Chris Mackowksi and Kris White on last week’s episode of the Emerging Civil War Podcast? We’ve rounded up a solid list of resources from our archives, focusing on Bristoe Station and Rappahannock Station.

And if you haven’t heard the podcast yet, it’s available by subscription at Patreon.

Emerging Civil War Book

A Want of Vigilance: The Bristoe Station Campaign by Bill Backus and Robert Orrison

Looking from the Confederate artillery position towards the Federal line at Bristoe Station. (Image courtesy Dan Welch)

Preservation Victory at Bristoe Station

The Maps of The Bristoe Station and Mine Run Campaigns

Bury These Men: Lee and Hill at Bristoe Station

“I Guess We Better Charge” – 152nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bristoe Station

Swapped Identities: Battle of Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863

“me and the bridge is safe”: The Pontoon Bridge at Rappahannock Station

The Federal Charge at Rappahannock Station, 150 Years Ago

The Lost Line at Rappahannock Station

Modern Development at Rappahannock Station

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