Week In Review: May 12-19, 2019
More battle anniversaries this week – including New Market which coincided perfectly with the release of the newest book in the ECW series. You’ll also find information about Myers Hill, unique historical biographies, a weekender museum, and more!
Sunday, May 12:
In the evening, Sarah Kay Bierle revealed that her books have arrived and shared some historical thoughts for the occasion.
Monday, May 13:
Question of the Week addressed the deaths of Jackson and Stuart.
Edward Alexander wrote about Civil War era body armor.
Tuesday, May 14:
Additional Resources for the ECW Podcast “Call Out The Cadets” are now available.
Guest author Nathan Varnold shared about the fight for Myer’s Hill on May 14, 1864.
Chris Mackowski added more details about Myer’s Hill and the preservation effort.
Wednesday, May 15:
Symposium Spotlight: It’s all about books (Part 1)…
Dave Powell offered details and thoughts on “Fighting Mit Sigel” at the Battle of New Market.
The history community mourns the loss of Dr. Richard Sommers, and Steve Phan shared his remembrances.
Sarah Kay Bierle told how she became interested in the Battle of New Market.
Thursday, May 16:
Kevin Pawlak wrote about Captain Ridley at the Battle of Champion’s Hill.
Frank Jastrzembski offered the history of General Hartsuff’s “Nine Lives.”
Friday, May 17:
Edward Alexander offered a letter from a Petersburg picket.
ECW Weekender spotlights the Museum of East Tennessee History in Knoxville and its Civil War displays.
Saturday, May 18:
Saving History Saturday shared more ways to honor the legacies of the fallen for Memorial Day.
Sarah Kay Bierle shared about a scene and friendship begun in the aftermath of New Market.