Week In Review: May 20-26, 2019
Battles and Memory seems to have been an informal theme on the blog this week, likely because of Memorial Day weekend. In case you missed a post or just want to re-read, here’s the list of all our recent activities on the blog…
Monday, May 20:
Question of the Week offers a political “what if” for the timing traveler…
Steward Henderson offers history and insight to important USCT sites in Virginia and Washington DC.
Chris Mackowski shared his recent articles on Spotsylvania for the Stevenson’s Ridge blog.
Tuesday, May 21:
There’s a new podcast! And it’s Part 2 of “The High Tide of the Confederacy” at Chancellorsville.
Edward Alexander offered a look at historic research methodology.
Wednesday, May 22:
Symposium Spotlight: It’s Part 2 of the featured books!
Jon-Erik Gilot shared history of one of the first casualties of the war, Thornsbury Bailey Brown.
Thursday, May 23:
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about the Battle of New Market’s “memory wars” in the post-conflict decades and how this has shaped our understanding of the battle.
Chris Mackowski spotlighted the Fox House on the North Anna River and some of the preservation efforts and history.
Friday, May 24:
Meg Groeling shared about what she found during her recent trip to the Alexandria site where Elmer Ellsworth was fatally shot.
Chris Mackowski wrote about his recent walk at Ox Ford and his thoughts about the men who fought there.
Saturday, May 25:
Saving History Saturday focused on Memorial Day and the perspective of Civil War veterans.
Sunday, May 26:
This morning Meg Groeling offered a collection of Memorial Day images and thoughts about remembrance.