Podcast Additional Resources: “Civil War Round Table Congress”

Excited about the information and resources discussed in the FREE Podcast last week? Emerging Civil War has been working with the Civil War Round Table Congress for several years now, and here are some extra articles from our blog archives to keep you inspired.

Haven’t heard the podcast yet? It’s available and free on our Patreon account. Listen or download at Patreon at your convenience. And now a few articles:

Energizing Civil War Round Tables (2017)

The 2018 Civil War Round Table Congress

Takeaways from the 2018 Congress


A Conversation with the Country’s Biggest Civil War Round Table

1 Response to Podcast Additional Resources: “Civil War Round Table Congress”

  1. I tried listening to the free broadcast but apparently it is no longer free and you cannot listen to it any longer. Unable to turn it on.

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