Podcast Additional Resources: “A Chat with Brian Steel Wills”

Last week a new episode of the ECW podcast released. Dan Welch had a chat about a variety of historical topics with author and historian Brian Steel Wills.

We’ve combed through the archives and found a few articles related to the discussion topics and hope you’ll enjoy these additional resources. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the new podcast, just login to your Patreon account (or sign up). This episode is available to all ECW Podcast subscribers.

A Conversation with Brian Steel Wills about Inglorious Passages (part one)

A Conversation with Brian Steel Wills about Inglorious Passages (part two)

Saving General Thomas’s RationsĀ 

Nashville: The First Day

Nashville: The Second Day

J.E.B. Stuart and the Question of Corps Command (mentions William Dorsey Pender)

The Final Legacy of the Civil War Generation (mentions Arthur MacArthur)


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