Week In Review: March 9-15, 2020

Here’s a look back at the blog posts this week…

Monday, March 9:

Question of the Week focuses on ironclads.

Dwight Hughes wrote about the emergency ironclads.

Tuesday, March 10:

ECW welcomes JoAnna M. McDonald!

JoAnna M. McDonald shared about Lee and his army.

Wednesday, March 11:

Symposium Spotlight: Kevin Pawlak will be speaking about Fitz John Porter at the 2020 ECW Symposium

Thursday, March 12:

Chris Kolakowski considered fact versus interpretation at Antietam’s Bloody Lane.

ECW Symposium update in the world of COVID-19.

Friday, March 13:

Chris Mackowski and Brian Matthew Jordan chat about the new book: The War Went On

ECW Weekender: Looking for ideas to explore history if you’re staying home?

Saturday, March 14:

Saving History Saturday: An opportunity to preserve 72 acres at Cedar Creek Battlefield!

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