Week In Review: March 16-22, 2020
It’s been a full week of posting on the ECW blog. (We even had four posts in one day!) Be safe and stay well and join us for good history as a distraction from the news outside.
Monday, March 16:
Question of the Week focused on March 1865 and key happenings in that historic month.
Sarah Kay Bierle added a Civil War soldiers’ song with a dash of humor.
A Conversation with Carol Reardon (part one)
Tuesday, March 17:
Kevin Pawlak posted a book review for the latest book about General Thomas Rosser.
Sarah Kay Bierle shared about Private William McCarter’s memoirs which gives a “common soldier” view of life in the Irish-Brigade.
Chris Mackowski posted about the Irish and the Civil War for St. Patrick’s Day.
A Conversation with Carol Reardon (part two)
Wednesday, March 18:
Symposium Spotlight: Dave Powell will be sharing about Leonidas Polk at the August 2020 ECW Symposium.
Sean Michael Chick wrote about the conflicts at Drewry’s Bluff.
A Conversation with Carol Reardon (part three)
Thursday, March 19:
Jon-Erik Gilot posted an interview with Diane Klinefelter.
Sophronia Bucklin’s memoir is available for free on Google Books!
A Conversation with Carol Reardon (part four)
Friday, March 20:
Frank Jastrzembski shared about the unending war for ten Union generals.
ECW Weekender: Visiting the Museum of the Middle Appalachians in Saltville, Virginia. (Don’t miss the next weekender when we take a closer look at the Civil War sites in Saltville.)
A Conversation with Carol Reardon (part five)
Saturday, March 21:
Saving History Saturday: Good news and grants for Civil War battlefield preservation in Tennessee.
Guest author David T. Dixon wrote about a divided family in Georgia and how they “covered up” the story of their Unionist relative.
A Conversation with Carol Reardon (part six)
Sunday, March 22:
Part 1 of reading through Sophronia Bucklin’s memoir with Sarah Kay Bierle. (The read-along continues next Sunday morning)