ECW’s March 2020 Newsletter Now Available
The March 2020 ECW newsletter went out today. If you didn’t see it, you can check it out here. Inside this issue:
- Editor-in-Chief Chris Mackowski celebrates Women’s History Month by welcoming a new addition to his family
- JoAnna McDonald answers 10 Questions by sharing a little bit of her sense of humor
- News & Notes includes a teaser about the latest release in the Emerging Civil War Series
- Kevin Pawlak and Dan Welch do Antietam (and invite our YouTube viewers to join them)
- We talk a lot about Women’s History Month (despite the photo of four dudes we have here as our thumbnail)
- “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Don’t forget to subscribe by clicking the big blue button at the top of our newsletter that says “Join Our Email List.” We’d love to keep in contact with you that way! (If you think you should’ve gotten the newsletter but didn’t, please check your spam filer and junk mail folder to be sure we didn’t get misdirected!)
While you’re at it, don’t forget to follow ECW on Facebook, Instagram (@Emergingcwblog), and YouTube. Please share and like our pages!
CONGRATULATIONS grandpa!!! The sweetest revenge a grandparent can have Is spoiling the grandkids, it up to the parents then to handle that … and I attempt that every time I am w/them, grandma has little on me in that category!