Week In Review: April 6-12, 2020

Looking back, we’ve featured some great content for the battle of Shiloh anniversary and new posts for our Ending The War series. Here’s what was new this week!

Monday, April 6: 

Question of the Week focused on leadership at the Battle of Shiloh.

Kristen Pawlak wrote about John S. Bowen and his brigade at Shiloh.

Sean Michael Chick reflected on surprises at Shiloh.

Tuesday, April 7:

Kevin Pawlak posted details about David Reed, an early historian of Shiloh.

Ending The War: Bert Dunkerly shared thoughts on April anniversaries.

Here’s what’s new on the Maine at War blog…

Wednesday, April 8:

Symposium Spotlight: Matt Atkinson will be sharing about Earl Van Dorn at the August 2020 ECW Symposium.

Ending The War: Edward Alexander wrote about a Union prisoner during Lee’s retreat.

Thursday, April 9:

Ending The War: Meg Groeling focused on the multiple surrenders which ended the Civil War.

Friday, April 10:

Dan Welch shared Part 2 of a veteran’s return to Gettysburg in 1913.

Ending The War: ECW Weekender offered a look at Appomattox—Virtually.

Saturday, April 11:

Saving History Saturday looks back to your favorite preservation victories.

Sunday, April 12:

Sarah Kay Bierle added Part 4 of the read-along through Sophronia Bucklin’s memoirs.

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