Week In Review: July 6-12, 2020
This week we had to announce the postponement of our 2020 Symposium, but then there has been lots of history to consider and remind us that the work goes on, even if it’s not in person this year. We hope you’ll enjoy this week’s review of the blog content — book reviews, battle perspectives, thoughts on the future of writing history, Franco-Prussian War, free podcast, and more!
Monday, July 6:
Question of the Week “seized the high ground” again, asking which was the most important high ground in the entire war.
Chris Mackowski shared about The Field of Blood and it’s relevance to this moment.
Steve Davis shared about his book Texas Brigadier to the Fall of Atlanta: John Bell Hood
Tuesday, July 7:
The 2020 ECW Symposium has been postponed. Details here…
Sean Michael Chick posted about writing history in this period and the possible future.
Wednesday, July 8:
Guest author Neil Chatelain wrote about when the USS Rhode Island engaged a unique target.
There’s a FREE ECW Podcast, and it’s an interview with Civil War magazine editors who are weathering the Coronavirus storm and getting back to work.
Chris Mackowski wrote about political visitors to the Army of the Potomac.
Thursday, July 9:
Chris Kolakowski posted about Phil Sheridan and the Franco-Prussian War for that conflict’s anniversary.
Guest author Abbi Smithmyer wrote about the Irish Brigade, the Battle of Fredericksburg, and the response from the Irish-American community.
Check out what’s new on the Maine at War blog!
Friday, July 10:
Remembering Ted Alexander and honoring his life and research…
Guest author Stuart Sanders shared about a Civil War treasure discovered at Ross Mansion.
Edward Alexander wrote about his research on A.P. Hill’s remains and the statue in Richmond.
Saturday, July 11:
Mike Block posted about the new organization, Friends of Culpeper Battlefield.
Dwight Hughes added his perspective about buildings and places named after men with ties to the Confederacy.