Week In Review: August 3-9, 2020
Check out the posts of the week on ECW! There are lots of reading options, and we’re looking forward to releasing the Virtual Symposium next week
Monday, August 3:
Question of the Week addressed innovations during the Civil War.
Sean Michael Chick shared some thoughts on the status of the Lost Cause.
Check out what’s new on Brian Swartz’s Maine at War blog…
Tuesday, August 4:
Steve Davis takes a new look at Sherman’s memoirs.
Guest author Nathan Provost wrote about Grant’s tactics in the Eastern Theater.
Wednesday, August 5:
Ryan Quint shared details about Oliver O. Howard’s miserable time at West Point.
Guest author Max Longley highlighted the experiences of Quakers in the Confederacy.
Thursday, August 6:
Derek Maxfield wrote about “the original Bohemian,” war correspondent, George Alfred Townsend.
Sneak Peek at the new biography about Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain coming to the Emerging Civil War series.
Sneak Peek at the new book addressing Lincoln’s visit to Gettysburg for the Emerging Civil War series.
Friday, August 7:
Ted Savas shared what’s going on with the Emerging Civil War Series and independent publishers during the pandemic.
ECW Weekender offered updates on ECW’s nonprofit status and the virtual symposium.
Chris Mackowski posted an update on monument removal in NPS Appropriation.
Saturday, August 8:
Saving History Saturday highlighted a new grant and facility for a museum that highlights the history of the Sultana disaster.
Recording day for the ECW Virtual Symposium…
Sunday, August 9:
Meg Groeling added a book review for America’s Buried History: Landmines in the Civil War.