Antietam at ECW’s YouTube Page

Emerging Civil War has a fantastic collection of Antietam-related content on our YouTube page, including two new Antietam-related videos added this week. First, there’s a four-way conversation between historians Kevin Pawlak, Dan Vermilya, Kris White, and Chris Mackowski that gets “Into the Weeds at Antietam”—and into the cornstalks.
Today, we have a new video featuring Chris and Terry Rensel, executive director of Central Virginia Battlefields Trust. Terry had never before been to Antietam, so Chris took him on a road trip there yesterday. Join the tour.
Beyond that, we have a fantastic series by Kevin Pawlak and Dan Welch that we posted earlier this year:
- “Rufus Dawes at Antietam’s Cornfield”
- “The Wounding of Joseph Mansfield”
- “George Greene at the Battle of Antietam”
- “A Brief History of Antietam’s Dunker Church”
- “Antietam’s West Woods and the 125th PA Infantry”
- “Antietam’s West Woods and the 15th MA Infantry”
- “Antietam’s Bloody Lane”
- “Antietam Action at the Middle Bridge”
- “William McKinley at Antietam”
- “Antietam’s Two 51sts”
- “The Final Attack at Antietam”
- “Antietam Aftermath”
- “Hallowed Ground at Antietam”
Here’s Dan Welch again with “A Casualty at Antietam.”
And, finally, from our 2020 virtual symposium, here’s Kevin Pawlak’s talk “In the Wake of Antietam: The Loudon Valley Campaign of 1862.”
And if you’re hitting the battlefield, don’t forget to take along our Emerging Civil War Series titles with you:
- That Field of Blood: The Battle of Antietam by Dan Vermilya
To Hazard All: A Guide to the 1862 Maryland Campaign by Rob Orrison and Kevin Pawlak