Week In Review: November 16-22, 2020
It’s Week in Review time! From Robin Hood to the Gettysburg Address, we’ve got a selection of unique posts for you to explore…
Monday, November 16:
Question of the Week looked at leadership in the Army of Northern Virginia.
Sarah Kay Bierle started a series about Robin Hood and the American Civil War.
Tuesday, November 17:
Did you know that one of the ships in the “stone fleet” was called Robin Hood?
Wednesday, November 18:
Sir Walter Scott wrote about Robin Hood; did he reinvent the legend for 19th Century readers?
On this day in history, Lincoln traveled to Gettysburg and had an interesting stop in Hanover, Pennsylvania.
Chris Mackowski introduces the heroic General Burnside.
Thursday, November 19:
Chris Mackowski wrote about Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Gettysburg speech.
David T. Dixon shared about the Gettysburg Address and its relation to the 1864 Election.
Sarah Kay Bierle continued the Robin Hood series, looking at the character’s appearances in Civil War era material culture and newspapers.
Friday, November 20:
Looking at Robin Hood legends as a starting point for re-approaching Civil War memory.
ECW Weekender highlighted virtual resources for Fort Scott, Kansas.
Saturday, November 21:
Saving History Saturday: a preservation question for consideration…
The final post for Robin Hood and the Civil War series offered some thoughts on heroes and legends.
Sunday, November 22:
This morning Meg Groeling shared her “Weekly Whitman” poetry.