Coming Soon: The Emerging Civil War 10th Anniversary Series

Emerging Civil War turns ten years old this summer, and as you might imagine, we’re pretty excited. As we’re fond of saying around here, “Not too bad for three idiots sitting on a porch.” (Don’t know the ECW original story? Check it out here!)

To help celebrate our 10th Anniversary, our great friend, partner, and publisher Theodore P. Savas wanted to collect some of ECW’s best work from our first ten years and publish it as a special commemorative series of hardcover books.

We’re excited to announce that the first two volumes of the Emerging Civil War 10th Anniversary Series will be published by Savas Beatie this summer, with more to follow as our tenth year unfolds. ECW’s Chris Mackowski and Dan Welch serve as series co-editors, with “Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War,” spanning work from a decade of ECW writers.

The first two books are meant to be read in conversation with each other: The Summer of ’63: Gettysburg and The Summer of ’63: Vicksburg and Tullahoma. We’re going to offer sneak peeks at the covers later this week, plus share a little information about each book.

The books not only collect some of our best blog posts, but they also include selected transcripts from Symposium talks and podcasts. Plus, they’ll each include original scholarship, as well, plus new maps and lots of photos. They’re not intended as complete narrative histories but are rather meant to reflect the eclectic conversation of topics and voices readers find on the blog itself.

Stay tuned later this week for more details!



2 Responses to Coming Soon: The Emerging Civil War 10th Anniversary Series

  1. So Brilliant you guys work so hard to make us civil war buffs happy keep.them coming im going to be skint all these books to buy never mind ?

  2. So Brilliant you guys work so hard to make us civil war buffs happy keep.them coming im going to be skint all these books to buy never mind ?

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