Trivia for the Battle of Manassas

Reflecting on the 160th of Manassas…
One of my fondest take-aways from Jack Davis’s Battle at Bull Run was learning that Manassas came from a Jewish merchant, Manassa–whose home site came to be called Manassa’s Gap.
Manasseh, by the way, was the 14th King of Judah, who reigned 55 years (2 Kings 21:1).
Colonel Bartow, of course, fell on July 21, 1861. In November ’61 Cass County representatives introduced a bill in the Georgia General Assembly to change the name to Bartow County. It passed the legislature in ’62. The same bill changed the county seat, Cassville, to Manassas. But after Sherman’s men burned the town, Manassas didn’t stick. The county seat is now at Cartersville, but the county name remains Bartow.
Learning to live, and living to learn!
The new things I learn on this site! I had no idea how the town of Manassas got its name. Thanks for the wonderful trivia! I was on the site of the battle yesterday. A special 34 star flag was flown for the occasion and I helped fold the flag at the end of the day.
Love the tidbits too!
Some additional Manassas Trivia:
• Alexandria Virginia was the first significant bit of Rebel territory captured by Union forces after commencement of the Civil War. Occupied the same day Colonel Ellsworth was shot, Alexandria remained in Union hands for the duration of the war.
• Everyone’s “favorite” political General, John McClernand, began his Civil War career as a Dispatch Rider, with rank of Colonel, in support of Brigadier General Irvin McDowell.
• During the Manassas Campaign of June – July 1861 the United States forces had the upper hand until the afternoon of 21 July.
• Arguably the best political General, John Logan, began his Civil War career as a Member of Congress from Illinois, observing Union troop activities in vicinity of Centreville Virginia during the Manassas Campaign. During one particular exchange of fire between U.S. and Rebel forces, Congressman Logan attached himself to the 2nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, grabbed a musket, and blasted away.
• With Northern papers publishing predictions of the future in regard to the Manassas Campaign, it was generally assumed that, “McDowell will fight the Rebels in vicinity of Bull Run.” This led to erroneous report by many papers dated 19 and 20 July 1861 that, “The Battle of Bull Run has been fought; and it is a Union Victory!” [Later this engagement was renamed the Battle of Blackburn’s Ford of 18 July 1861, the report of which was delivered from Centreville to Washington by Colonel McClernand.]
• After Confederate Victory at Bull Run, Major Thomas Jordan, AAG to General Beauregard, continued to receive messages from his spy, Rose Greenhow in Washington, D.C. urging the Confederate Army, “Come on! Come on! There is no one here!” …indicating that Washington was empty of an organized force to resist occupation. But, the same spy whose reports had ever been praised for accuracy was ignored on this occasion.
Baltimore Wecker of 20 July 1861 pg.2 col.6. “Col. McClernand delivers report.”
Baltimore Daily Exchange of 20 July 1861 pg. 1 cols.4 & 5.
New York Herald of 19 July 1861 pg. 1 col.2 “Fight at Bull’s Run”