Week In Review: August 2-8, 2021

There’s a new blog series that started this week…

Monday, August 2:

Question of the Week focused on “best dressed” regiments.

Brian Swartz shared about his experiences in Brewer, Maine and how it inspired his new biography about Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.

Introducing a new blog series: Fallen Leaders.

Tuesday, August 3:

Fallen Leaders: Major Andrew Grover, 76th New York (by Jon Tracey)

Guest author Neil Chatelain wrote about sea-going challenges officers faced as they journeyed back to the east coast in 1861.

Fallen Leaders: The Death of “Uncle John” Sedgwick

Wednesday, August 4:

Symposium Spotlight: There’s lots of traffic in Virginia!

Fallen Leaders: Colonel Isaac Seymour, 6th Louisiana Infantry, Part 1 (by Sheritta Bitikofer)

Thursday, August 5

Fallen Leaders: Colonel Isaac Seymour, 6th Louisiana Infantry, Part 2 (by Sheritta Bitikofer)

Sean Michael Chick posted about the Battle of Belmont...as seen in comic strips.

Have you heard about General Stevenson’s Quick Step?

Friday, August 6:

Fallen Leaders: Generals’ Deaths (archived posts by Chris Kolakowski)

ECW Weekender: Some previously recorded presentations…

Saturday, August 7:

Saving History Saturday: New ways to discover and study Civil War Graffiti.

Fallen Leaders: General Max Weber (by David T. Dixon)

Sunday, August 8:

Meg Groeling’s Weekly Whitman features “Sight in Camp”

1 Response to Week In Review: August 2-8, 2021

  1. I can’t understand why “The Passing of the Armies” by Chamberlain has never been made into a movie. It reads like a well-crafted screenplay, even in Chamberlain’s wonderful Victorian-era prose.

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