Week In Review: August 9-15, 2021
Continuing the Fallen Leaders blog series this week along with press releases for the 2021 ECW Awards and other feature articles…
Monday, August 9:
Question of the Week focused on fallen leaders.
Celebrating ECW’s 10th Birthday at the 2021 Symposium… (photos!)
ECW honors Gary Gallagher with Award for Service in the Field of Civil War Public History.
Tuesday, August 10:
Fallen Leaders: Nathaniel Lyon, Part 1 (by Kristen M. Trout)
Derek Maxfield reviewed The Scourge of War: The Life of William Tecumseh Sherman
ECW honors Paige Gibbon Backus with the Upton Award.
Wednesday, August 11:
Symposium Spotlight: Check out the 2022 theme…
Fallen Leaders: General Barnard Elliott Bee (by Sarah Kay Bierle)
ECW honors Sarah Keeney with the Stevenson Award.
Thursday, August 12:
JoAnna M. McDonald wrote about slavery in the 21st Century and the modern abolition movement.
Fallen Leaders: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain (by Brian Swartz)
ECW honors Megan Kate Nelson’s The Three Cornered War with the Emerging Civil War Book Award.
Friday, August 13:
Fallen Leaders: Nathaniel Lyon, Part 2 (by Kristen M. Trout)
ECW Weekender: How about frozen custard and battefields?
Congratulations to Larry Babits of Civil War News…
Saturday, August 14:
Saving History Saturday: Studies to save earthworks in Georgia are conducted by a local college.
Jon Tracey posted an original letter penned by a soldier wounded at Gettysburg.
Fallen Leaders: Colonel Hiram Brown (by Terry Rensel)
Sunday, August 15:
This morning Meg Groeling’s Weekly Whitman column featured “Over the Carnage Rose Prophetic a Voice”