Week In Review: August 29-September 5, 2021
Sunday, August 29:
In the evening, guest author Doug Ullman, Jr. shared about three accounts of the Battle of Second Bull Run.
Monday, August 30:
Question of the Week asked which Bull Run/Manassas fight you prefer to study.
Kevin Pawlak posted a chronology of the Confederacy’s 1862 counterstrokes.
Bert Dunkerly questioned what was the most devastating Confederate attack…and was it at Second Bull Run/Manassas?
Tuesday, August 31:
Guy Hasegawa shared about finding Civil War medical sources for his new book in the Engaging the Civil War Series.
Guest author Hannah Roesch interviewed Gould Hagler from Civil War News and he shared about the immediacy of history.
Chris Mackowski toured Pamplin Park with Tim Talbot and there’s a video series recording the exploration.
Wednesday, September 1:
Chris Mackowski posted the visual “From the Plantation to the Battlefield.”
Sarah Kay Bierle added Part 1 of her notes on chloroform’s uses and effects.
Check out the upcoming programs and presentations on ECWers’ calendars!
Thursday, September 2:
Guest author Kenly Stewart posted about George Henry Thomas as a Virginian.
Sarah Kay Bierle finished Part 2 of her notes on chloroform’s uses and effects.
We pulled some posted from the ECW archives about Phil Kearny’s death.
Friday, September 3:
Neil P. Chatelain wrote about the purge of the Second Louisiana Native Guards.
ECW Weekender: Sarah Kay Bierle posted about The Morning Attack Trails at Cedar Creek National Battlefield.
Meg Groeling added an update about her book First Fallen.
Saturday, September 4:
Saving History Saturday: American Battlefield Trust’s preservation victory at Harpers Ferry.
Guest author Richard Heisler wrote about placing a headstone for Captain John M. Hoyt.
Sunday, September 5:
Weekly Whitman: Meg Groeling added the poem “Camps of Green.”