General Custer’s Stirrup

July 4 marked my 6th wedding anniversary, and apparently, that is to be celebrated by the exchange of iron. It is supposed to signify strength and stability. I gave my husband some irony, but he gave me an actual iron artifact–General George Custer’s stirrup!
He kept hinting around at what it might be, but I never even got close. Even after I opened it, I was pretty bumfuzzled. It was not until I read the excellent letter from Mr. Craig Wofford that I finally understood what I was looking at. The letter reads:
Thank you for your purchase. I dug this stirrup myself from George Custer’s 3-day camp here in Halifax, VA. This was about 7-8 days before (the) Appomattox surrender in 1865. I remember it was at the base of a large tree that roots had intertwined, about 7 inches deep. I remember about 30 minutes spent getting it free without damaging or breaking (it). I’m sure it was discarded and thrown against the tree while in camp on that hillside. I have detected that camp for over a year now and always find something. Regards, Craig Wofford
Now, I realize that nowhere does Mr. Wofford state that the stirrup belonged to General Custer. He never misrepresents himself in any way. But–in my whimsical mind–well–it’s gotta belong to Custer–right? I mean, who else would have tossed aside a stirrup in such a “cavalier” manner? OK–I know it probably does not belong to George Armstrong, but a girl can hope … and it is a beautiful wedding anniversary gift.
So thanks and all my love to Robert, and to Mr. Wofford, for the gift of some impressive cavalry trash!
Clickbate! Lol. Very thoughtful of your husband though. Kudos to him and congratulations to you both. I suppose it could be Custers. Maybe a 1/20000 chance. How many mounted men where in Grants forces at the time?