Year In Review 2021: ECW Podcast
The ECW Podcast brought an impressive lineup in the year 2021! Turning out—on average—two podcasts a month, we’ve had some brilliant guests chat about everything from preservations to campaigns to newly published books. To browse the list of 2021 podcast, visit HERE, or head over to the ECW Patreon page where the podcasts are published for listening.
We’re thinking of ways to grow and improve the podcast for the future and hope that you’ll stay tuned for new discussions and features.
I “binge watched” the playlist for Antietam. The hour+ session on the battle was wonderful. After a late October visit to the battlefield, I read Dan V.’s book overview that nicely displays and describes the north to south progression of the battle. Chris, Kris, Dan and Kevin are indeed subject matter experts who deliver their knowledge and insights very well. The ABT maps enhance the discussion and facilitate understanding. Finally, Jon Tracy’s presentation on Sgt. Rankin of the 27 th Indiana @ Culp’s Hill and his internal battles @ Antietam made for compelling historiography.