Symposium Spotlight: Gordon Rhea Returns to the ECW Symposium!
How do you know when you’re doing something right? When you get an email from Gordon Rhea asking if we have any room for him to return to the Emerging Civil War Symposium in 2022. Spoiler alert: there is always room for more Gordon Rhea!
Emerging Civil War is thrilled to announce that Gordon Rhea will be returning to our 2022 annual symposium at Stevenson Ridge. Gordon had so much fun in 2021, and his many fans were so gracious, that he just couldn’t wait to come back.
In line with our “What If” theme, Gordon will be presenting on the six occasions during the Overland Campaign when the outcome could have changed dramatically “if” either Grant or Lee had made different decisions at critical points. This promises to be an exciting talk from the dean of Overland studies!
Emerging Civil War will have copies of Gordon’s latest book, Stephen A. Swails: Black Freedom Fighter in the Civil War and Reconstruction, available for purchase.
Gordon joins a powerhouse line-up that already includes Pulitzer finalist Brian Matthew Jordan and keynote speaker (and the most madcap, energetic guy in Civil War studies today) Garry Adelman—plus a whole host of fabulous ECW historians.
You can find more information about the 2022 Emerging Civil War Symposium—and purchase tickets—by clicking here!
Recently watched rebroadcast of forum with Gordon Rhea from 2021 and many didn’t have mask on just shows the ignorance level of what we all faced dealing with a contagious virus and the types of people who resist the reality of the situation we all were facing. I no longer wonder why so many died from COVID and history will look back at things like this as well.