Week In Review: January 31-February 6, 2022
February is here! Check out the updates for the 2022 Symposium, new posts for Black History Month, veteran’s remarks at the 1913 Gettysburg reunion, and more…
Monday, January 31:
Question of the Week asked about sea or river navies.
Kristen M. Trout wrote about a Missourian veteran at the 1913 Gettysburg reunion.
Tuesday, February 1:
Guest author Scott L. Mingus, Sr. shared about Robert Smalls and the exciting incident with the ship, Planter.
Brian Swartz posted some of his new research and articles from the Maine at War blog.
Symposium Update: There’s a block of rooms available at a local hotel in Fredericksburg for the ECW Symposium.
Wednesday, February 2:
Symposium Spotlight: Gordon Rhea returns to the ECW Symposium this August!
Guest author Tim Talbot wrote about Pvt. James Chaney of Co. I, 1st USCI.
Thursday, February 3:
Brian Swartz post about a fallen leader, Daniel Chaplin, and questioned if he committed death by sniper.
Dwight Hughes revisited the Lincoln-Douglas debate and the question: what is equality?
Chris Mackowski has been working on revisions for a new edition of the North Anna book and shared some extra history.
Friday, February 4:
Steve Davis reviewed Southern Strategies.
ECW Weekender: Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about organizing and re-organizing the library on a winter’s day.
Saturday, February 5:
Saving History Saturday: A memorial for Ed Bearss was held at Bentonville battlefield last year.
Meg Groeling shared some Willard Hotel history.
Sunday, February 6:
This morning ECW announced a new blog series: Civil War Forts