Important! Podcast and ECW Patreon Update
We wanted to reach out and let you know about some upcoming changes and improvements and thank you for your support of Emerging Civil War.
For several years, we’ve been using the Patreon platform to distribute our podcast episodes. If you subscribe, you may have noticed that since Spring 2020, you haven’t been charged a monthly fee. In April 2022, we will be restarting the monthly supporter subscriptions and you will see that if you’re a Patron.
We’ve been working to make the ECW Podcast free and more accessible, while still developing the opportunity for support and exclusive content on Patreon.In April 2022, we are going to be transitioning to releasing two free podcast episodes on all major podcast-distribution platforms — like Apple Podcasts and Spotify! Check it out here: ECW Spotify
Also in April 2022, we are going to begin distributing exclusive content on Patreon again and we will begin the monthly supporter subscriptions again. If you wish to access this content and remain a supporter, you don’t need to change anything! If you want to limit your support, you’ll need to make those adjustments in your Patreon account. We are looking forward to posting exclusive episodes and some other bonuses in the future for our supporters.
We are also transitioning the supporter gifts on Patreon. If you support at the $3.99 per month level, you’ll be receiving an exclusive podcast episode. The $1.99 per month is transitioning to a “high five” donation gift. As we continue to develop bonus content, we may open up another level of support, and you’ll be the first to know if we do!
What does ECW do with the subscription gifts through Patreon? At this time, some of the funds support battlefield interpretation (we sponsor signs with Civil War Trails!) and it also helps with webhosting and other fees for professional tech support so we can keep the website and blog running smoothly and available for free. No paywalls on our blog and everyone is working/editing at volunteer status within the group itself.
If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please let us know by sending an email to with the subject line “Attn: Bierle – Patreon” You can always adjust the giving levels and settings in your Patreon account. (We can’t change your account for you, but we can try to answer questions if needed!)
We appreciate your support and readership of Emerging Civil War and hope that you’ll enjoy the changes we’re making for the free podcast episodes and the exclusive content via Patreon.
Thank you!
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