Week In Review: March 27-April 3, 2022

Sunday, March 27:

In the evening, Chris Mackowski posted photos from Rocky Face Ridge. 

Monday, March 28:

Question of the Week discussed the colonels who never made general.

Kevin Pawlak re-examined what Robert E. Lee thought of George B. McClellan.

Tuesday, March 29:

Meg Groeling shared about cats and war, comparing the Union army of the Civil War and the Ukrainian fighters of the modern era.

Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about Winchester, Virginia and the aftermath of the Battle of Kernstown.

Jon-Erik Gilot reviewed Lincoln’s Northern Nemesis: The War Opposition and Exile of Ohio’s Clement Vallandigham

Wednesday, March 30:

Symposium Spotlight: Almost sold out! Don’t delay on getting tickets.

Bert Dunkerly wrote about Connecticut regiments and the Battles of Plymouth and Wise’s Fork.

The March 2022 ECW Newsletter is available, and did you know that Chris Mackowski has been BURNING BOOKS?

Thursday, March 31:

Chris Kolakowski posted about Indiana Volunteers and their Civil War service.

Updates for ECW Podcast and Patreon! Good changes ahead…

Guest author Mark Harnitchek shared some commentary from the bookshelves for Lucretia Mott’s Heresy.

Friday, April 1:

Meg Groeling and Sarah Kay Bierle played a history writing prank (April Fools!)

ECW Weekender: Sarah Kay Bierle posted some trail notes and photos from Newport News Park and the Warwick River earthworks on the Virginia Peninsula.

Saturday, April 2:

Saving History Saturday highlighted the new Medal of Valor Trail which will explore history and sites connected to Medal of Honor recipients.

David T. Dixon posted about an African American family’s fight for freedom.

Sunday, April 3:

This morning Brain Swartz shared links to the latest articles on his Maine at War blog.

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