Shiloh on ECW’s YouTube Page

With the 160th anniversary of Shiloh coming up this week, look to the ECW YouTube page for all kinds of goodies. Back in December 2021, Chris Mackowski and Kris White traveled to Shiloh on a video swing for the American Battlefield Trust. They were joined by Garry Adelman, Parker Hills, and Timothy B. Smith, and you can see a whole bunch of their cool work on ABT’s YouTube page as part of this playlist. But we have some great bonus material just for ECW fans. Tune in each evening this week at 6:30 p.m. for a tidbit of coolness from Shiloh.
To give you a taste, here’s our kick-off:
Tomorrow, I’ll be driving to Shiloh where I’ll be the chauffeur for the ECW Shiloh author Greg Mertz. We hope to see some of you at Shiloh for the 160th this week.
…and just in time for the 160th Anniversary of the Battle of Crumps Landing, which took place less than two miles west of Shiloh Church on 4 April 1862 (in an area known locally as General Meek’s Place) and involved elements of Buckland’s Brigade (of Sherman’s Fifth Division) against Clanton’s First Alabama Cavalry. Sparked by Clanton’s early afternoon capture of a picket post manned by the 70th Ohio Infantry, Colonel Buckland responded by sending troops south from that picket post, and engaged Clanton’s Cavalry with elements of the 72nd Ohio Infantry and Ricker’s Battalion of 5th Ohio Cavalry. Both sides suffered about a dozen casualties during the course of the seesawing engagement; Buckland disengaged his force after Rebel cannon opened up on his advancing cavalry. But small arms fire persisted well into the evening.
Also known as “the Skirmish near Pittsburg Landing of 4 April 1862,” the engagement is noteworthy because of its occurrence less than 48 hours before Battle of Shiloh; and the rumoured capture and interrogation of eight unlucky members of Clanton’s Cavalry, recently arrived from Mobile via Corinth…
[OR Ser.1 Vol.10 part 1 (Reports) pp.89 – 93].