More from the ECW 10th Anniversary Series: Civil War Monuments and Memory

Here’s a little good news for fans of the Emerging Civil War 10th Anniversary Series: our next title is due for release this week!

Civil War Monuments and Memory: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War, co-edited by Jon Tracey and Chris Mackowski and published by Savas Beatie, is scheduled to ship from the printer on Tuesday, September 13. The hardcover features another beautiful cover photo by Chris Heisey. Twenty-eight historians have contributed forty pieces.

You can find out more details at

We’re also excited because the next two books in the series are at the printer now: The Civil War on the Water and Fallen Leaders. We’ll have more details on those two volumes to come.

If you’ve enjoyed the ECW 10th Anniversary Series so far, we could actually use your help. If you like the books, would you please consider leaving a review for us at You can click below to go straight to the Amazon pages for each:

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