Maine at War September 2022 Blog Posts
In September 2022 my Maine at War blog examined topics ranging from the shoe salesman misidentified by “friendlies” to a small that sent almost 90 percent of its men to fight for the Union.

September 7, 2022: Murder most friendly in the Bluegrass
Judson Littlefield moved to Lebanon in Kentucky to sell shoes for his business based in Portland, Maine. Then he chose the wrong night to ride across the Bluegrass …
September 14, 2022: Canadians in blue portray a particular 20th Maine company
Civil War buffs living in New Brunswick portray Co. I of the 20th Maine Infantry. They represent the Atlantic Canadians who served with the Union during the war.
September 21, 2022: Small Maine town emptied out to help save the Union
Rural Sherman in southwestern Aroostook County had 486 residents, according to the 1860 U.S. Census, yet sent 114 men into the Union army during the Civil War. Thirty-four died far from home.
September 28, 2022: Old Zack and the upgraded Civil War monument
Whenever the Union claimed a victory during the Civil War, residents of Sherman in Aroostook County fired “Old Zack,” a popgun cannon with a loud bark that could be heard for miles around. Sherman later honored its Civil War veterans with a monument that’s periodically updated and kept in good shape.
In looking at the 1885 and current photos of the Sherman Mills memorial, it appears that the obelisk is now less than half it’s original height. What happened to it?
Excellent observation: I do not know. No information turned up during my research to indicate prior damage to the obelisk. Lightning could have struck it, but given the winters in Aroostook, deep cold followed by thaws might have cracked the upper part of the obelisk. This is speculation on my part.
Went to Centre College in Danville Kentucky.