Saving History Saturday: Gettysburg Preservation Updates
This month we’re checking in on the ongoing rehabilitation projects, as well as an exciting new preservation opportunity, at Gettysburg.
The Devil’s Den rehabilitation project, which began earlier this year, was completed at the end of September, and is now reopened.
The project re-establishes natural features and allows visitors to better understand the historic landscape that makes up this part of the battlefield. There were also safety enhancements, including a major increase in ADA trail surface, and new slip resistant, granite steps replacing the old stone steps. Vegetation has also been increased to mitigate future erosion.
The Little Round Top closure continues. The closure began on July 26th and is expected to last 18 months. You can find out more about the project by visiting the FAQ page.

Little Round Top, GNMP
Photo by Chris Heisey
An additional closure at Gettysburg is the Museum and Visitor Center Road closed at the Taneytown Road entrance to Parking Lot 2 on December 5th. The closure is expected to last through the Spring of 2023. All traffic needs to use the Baltimore Pike entrance.
The American Battlefield Trust (ABT) recently announced a new preservation opportunity at Gettysburg. The owner of General Pickett’s Buffett is relocating his business and is giving ABT an opportunity to buy and restore the property. This half-acre property played a major role in Pickett’s Charge.
ABT is currently raising $550,000 to save this key piece of the Gettysburg battlefield. The learn more, click here.
In coming months, we will continue to look at all aspects of preservation, saving and telling the story of Civil War history.