Evan Portman: Thankful For . . .
In the tapestry of our professional lives, there are often individuals who leave an indelible mark—mentors who guide, inspire, and shape our paths in ways we could never have anticipated. I can earnestly say I would not be where I am today without that mentorship and guidance from Kris White.
From the first time I attended one of his lectures at my local recreation club, Kris took me under his wing and showed me what it meant to be a historian. I remember thinking as a twelve-year-old kid sitting in one of those lectures, “I’ll be really lucky if I ever know as much as this guy.” After all, Chris Mackowski once said that Kris White could stand on any spot on any battlefield, tell you exactly what regiment fought there, the name of their colonel, and the colonel’s shoe size! I haven’t quite reached that level of knowledge, but Kris taught me that a good historian is not how much measured by how much they know, but rather how they engage with their audience.
Much of what I learned from Kris was simply from his example—how to speak in front of an audience, how to engage with the public, and what hard work truly means. I could always count on him to answer my random Gettysburg questions and to always give me advice forthrightly and honestly.
As I reflect on the milestones of my professional life, I could not have achieved many of them—perhaps any of them—without Kris’s support as a boss, a mentor, and a friend. It’s a reminder that success is not a solitary journey but a collaborative effort, and the impact of a mentor can ripple through one’s life in ways that extend far beyond the professional sphere.
I agree, Kris is a solid dude. Wouldn’t be where I am without him, and ECW wouldn’t be where it is without him (in fact, ECW wouldn’t even “be” at all without him!).
Keep up the good work fellas!