Maine at War June 2024 posts

In June 2024 my Maine at War blog covered several topics, including the surprising discovery of a previously unpublished photo of Maine’s best-known enlisted infantryman and the effort spearheaded by a survivor to have Maine erect a state monument at Andersonville.

This previously unpublished photo of the elderly John Haley was discovered in winter 2022. (Dyer Library/Saco Museum)

June 5, 2024: Saco library releases previously unpublished photo of John Haley

Thanks the book The Rebel Yell & the Yankee Hurrah, Pvt. John Haley of the 17th Maine Infantry Regiment is the most famous enlisted infantryman from Maine. He later became the first librarian of the new Dyer Library in Saco, and a previously unpublished photo of Haley was found at that library in winter 2022.

June 12, 2024: A Poor man convinces Maine to erect an Andersonville monument, part 1

Captured during the Petersburg Campaign, Levi M. Poor wound up at Andersonville — and survived the ordeal. Decades later, he pitched a proposal for Maine to erect a state monument at Andersonville.

June 19, 2024: A Poor man convinces Maine to erect an Andersonville monument, part 1

After the Maine Legislature established a commission to erect a Maine monument at Andersonville, planning shifted quickly into action. Andersonville survivors and Maine officials arrived at Andersonville to dedicate the 36½-foot monument in November 1904.

June 24, 2024: Chamberlain and the 20th Maine capture another Round Top, part 1

After the 20th Maine Infantry loses almost one-third of its number while defending Little Round Top, Joshua Chamberlain gets the nod to take his exhausted soldiers and capture yet another Round Top.

2 Responses to Maine at War June 2024 posts

  1. If I somehow get to make a Civil War miniseries modeled on _Band of Brothers_, _The Pacific_, and _Masters of the Air_, with their immense dedication to authenticity, I would want Haley to be one of the Maine characters (pun definitely intended).

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