Symposium Spotlight: Keynote Speaker Dr. Harold Holzer

We are pleased for the opportunity to host Dr. Harold Holzer as the keynote speaker for the 11th Annual Emerging Civil War Symposium at Stevenson Ridge. This year’s Symposium, August 1-3, 2025, will focus on “The Cities of War.”
Dr. Holzer will speak on “Abraham Lincoln: The View from Washington.”
When Abraham Lincoln arrived—secretly—in Washington, D.C., for his 1861 inauguration, he had not been inside the nation’s capital for more than a decade. Within months, he became its most famous, powerful, and accessible official, commanding the army as the city became increasingly militarized; issuing history-altering executive orders that restricted free speech and ended slavery; dominating a Cabinet filled with notable men; working closely with the legislative branch; appearing at public events to review troops and raise flags; and welcoming visitors to regular “public opinion baths” at his White House office. Lincoln learned to use the War Department telegraph to keep track of battlefield news from afar; organized a dramatic reception for Ulysses S. Grant to introduce him to Washington as commander of the army; used White House receptions to charm diplomats; and rode and walked about the city for a time all but unguarded.
This talk will show how Lincoln not only became Washington’s most dominant celebrity, but how he changed the city as well: regularly attending its theaters and museums; making regular use of a summer cottage on the outskirts of town; visiting contraband camps en route; and making sure he used the city’s photograph galleries to spread his image nationwide even as the capital was encircled by forts (at one of which, Fort Stevens, he even came under enemy fire). Finally, the talk will assess Lincoln’s impact on the “look” of the city—mainly his decision to continue funding the new Capitol dome as a symbol of the Union’s resolve to survive the rebellion.
You can order your Symposium ticket here. This year’s price is $300 for the entire weekend. Food and beverage is included for Friday afternoon/evening (with cash bar for those who want it) and light breakfast and a buffet lunch on Saturday. Plus, you’ll have the chance to meet some of your favorite ECW authors, meet some great “emerging voices” in the field, browse our used book sale, and more!
We hope to see you in August!
The irony about the Capitol Dome is that the strongest Senatorial proponent for its construction had been Jefferson Davis.