Beard-O-Rama: The Elite Eight—Stuart vs. Green

Our first match-up in the Elite Eight is a clash of Confederate cavalry: Maj. Gen. James Ewell Brown “Jeb” Stuart (left) vs Col. John Shackleford “Shack” Green (right) of the 6th Virginia Volunteer Cavalry.

Stuart captured 80% of the vote in his first-round win over John Schofield. Green, meanwhile, captured 87% of the vote in his first-round win over Albert Jenkins.

Remember, this is a bracket to determine the best Civil War beard, not a popularity contest about who was better. Cast your facial hair vote by typing in the name of the officer with the best beard in the comments section below. Feel free to defend your choice. You can also cast a vote on the ECW Facebook page.

31 Responses to Beard-O-Rama: The Elite Eight—Stuart vs. Green

  1. A clash of the titans indeed, but Stuart’s fullness over Shack’s length gives J.E.B. the win.

  2. Close decision, but am going with Green!! Sorry, JEB!!
    Green’s waves at the temple and neatly groomed longer beard are just more impressive!

  3. “Best” seems a little ambidextrous. On one hand you have thickness, on the other hand is length. I don’t know if we are actually voting on the definition of “best.” What about how it matches the shape of the face. I gotta go Stuart on this one.

  4. While Stuart’s is a great beard I have to say that upon seeing Green, he would cause a double-take, so my vote goes to Green.

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