Showing results for "sarah kay bierle"

Week In Review: April 12-18-2021

Continuing with the series On The Eve Of War, exploring Fort Sumter, the release of a new book, and much more on the blog this week… Monday, April 12: Question of the Week talked about visiting Charleston, South Carolina. On The Eve Of War: New Orleans, Louisiana (Sean Michael Chick)


Week In Review: April 5-11, 2021

Battle of Shiloh anniversary, taking a closer look at different places “on the eve of war,” new (free podcast), and more to explore from this last week on the ECW blog… Monday, April 5: Question of the Week spotlighting conflicts at state borders. Guest author Sherrita Bitikofer shared about the journey of research.


Week In Review: March 29-April 4, 2021

This week we launched a new blog series—”This Location: On The Eve Of War”—and you’ll also find a book review, articles from guest authors, April Fools, and more… Monday, March 29: Question of the Week focused on resupplying efforts for Fort Sumter.


Week In Review: March 22-28, 2021

Interviews for Women’s History Month, an account from Wilson’s Creek, Zouaves at Antietam, a live cannonball, and more… Monday, March 22: Question of the Week highlighted Civil War era politicians. Sarah Kay Bierle posted some accounts about generals and gardening. There’s a new video interview as some of the women at ECW chat about Civil […]


Women’s History Month: Favorite Leadership Moments History Chat

Earlier this month, Chris Mackowski invited the women of ECW to join a Zoom meeting to chat about Civil War leadership and offer their perspectives and voices on the subject. JoAnna M. McDonald, Cecily Nelson Zander, and Sarah Kay Bierle were able to “meet” to record some research notes and observations on leadership. They talked […]


Week In Review: March 15-21, 2021

Gettysburg, Reconstruction, Sheridan, Jane Corbin, Patrick Cleburne, and more… Lots of new topics and posts on the ECW blog this week! Monday, March 15: Question of the Week highlighted Civil War photographs. Doug Crenshaw reviewed Kill Jeff Davis: The Union Raid on Richmond, 1864. For Women’s History Month, here’s a special series about exploring Gettysburg […]


Week In Review: March 8-14, 2021

From the battle of the ironclads to book reviews, podcasts, The Wilderness, bus tours, new museums, and more…there’s a wide variety of articles from the ECW blog this week! Monday, March 8: Question of the Week…went animated? Guest author Nathan Provost posted a comprehensive view of the Overland Campaign.


Week In Review: March 1-7, 2021

Chamberlain, George Washington, Lee, book reviews, forts, preserving earthworks, and more… Monday, March 1: Question of the Week looked at the worst battleground of the Civil War. Steve Davis reviewed the book Writing War & Reunion.


Week In Review: February 22-28, 2021

On the last day of February, here’s the last week’s blog features… Monday, February 22: Question of the Week focused on high ground during the Civil War. Guest author Bryan Cheeseboro shared a comparison of Grant and Lee in memory.