Showing results for "Year in Review 2017"

Week In Review: October 13-20, 2019

This week has been almost all about John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry for the 160th Anniversary with lots of posts and lots of perspective. You’ll also find posts on Fort Harrison, the Battle of Cedar Creek, and more…


Week In Review: August 5-11, 2019

With historical posts, leadership analysis, a new podcast, touring notes, and a review of the Symposium weekend, it’s been a full week on the ECW blog. Check it out!


Book Review—Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom

ECW welcomes back guest author Nathan Varnold. Understanding the life of the most famous and most outspoken black abolitionist in American history is no easy task, but David W. Blight has spent most of his career attempting to simplify a complicated subject. His latest publication, Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, is a testament to his […]


Week In Review: March 18-23, 2019

Spring has arrived! This week you’ll find a few articles about Civil War spring – including details on a flood and a letter from a colonel. You’ll also find a continuation and conclusion to the Extra! Extra! Series, features for Women’s History Month, a discussion of terrible battles, new podcast, and a historic speech. It’s […]


Week In Review: February 18-24, 2019

From Presidents’ Day to cavalry tactics and accounts for Black History Month, there’s a sampling of topics from the last week on the ECW blog. Monday, February 18: Question of the Week celebrated Presidents’ Day, opening a discussion of Civil War veteran presidents.


Week In Review: January 7-13, 2019

Welcome back for another Week in Review! These last seven days there’s been a variety of posts on the blog, including several articles focusing on Civil War veterans after the war – a presidential election, roles later conflicts, and one famous general’s trip to Egypt. Also, don’t miss the newest episode of the ECW Podcast […]


Week In Review: December 30, 2018 – January 6, 2019

Happy New Year! What a week as we finished our Year in Review with the final countdown to the #1 most read blog post of 2018 and kicked off 2019 with a wonderful week of blog posts on a variety of topics. We’ve got maritime history, thoughts on the Emancipation Proclamation, a crime story, tour […]


2018 Year in Review: Most-Read ECW Posts of All Time

Before we get to the most-read post from 2018, here’s a look at our top ten most-read posts of all time. Most—but not all—have the benefit of longevity to credit for their appearance in the top ten. For long-time readers of the blog, many of these will be old favorites:


Week In Review: December 24-30, 2018

It might be the end of the year, but we’re finishing 2018 strong. It’s been a wonderfully busy holiday week on the ECW Blog! We’re hoping everyone had a Merry Christmas and/or peaceful holidays, and we added some historical good cheer at the beginning of the week. During the days between Christmas and New Year’s, […]