A shout-out of thanks to historian Lee White

To wrap up our coverage of the Chickamauga sesquicentennial, we wanted to offer one final shout-out to historian Lee White. We’ve had Lee’s name plastered all over this blog for the last week—as a ranger at Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park and author of Bushwhacking on a Grand Scale: The Battle of Chickamauga, he’s one of the top experts on the battle—and we’re grateful for all he’s done to help make our coverage possible.
While we were blogging away, though, Lee was hitting the field. During one 72-hour period, he conducted nine different walking tours and covered more than ten miles. In all, over a nine-day period, he did twelve different tours. He had more than a thousand visitors show up for his programs. Like his other colleagues at Chick-Chatt, the man ran himself ragged! “It was super successful event for us,” he said.
For folks not able to make it to the battlefield for the sesquicentennial but who still want the grand tour, Lee’s new book offers a great overview of the battle, an insider’s tour of the battlefield itself, and some excellent, excellent interpretation and explanation. We designed the book to be something readers can take out into the field with them (it’s like having Lee in the car with you!) or something they can read in the comfort of their own living rooms (and the many, many pictures can bring the battlefield to you).
Initial reviews on Bushwhacking have been enthusiastic, and we’re really excited about it. We hope you’ll check it out. You’ll be getting a great story from one of the historians who knows it best.
Great series of articles on Chickamauga. I am looking forward to reading the book.
-Dave Mercado
It was absolutely terrific!! Many thanks to all the NPS personnel and volunteers who made this such a wonderful event.
It was a great time and the book is a great overview of the battle!
Thanks to Jim, Lee and Chris!