Modern Photography: Conclusion & “Parting Shots”


StonewallsButt001Our official blog series “Our Favorite (Modern) Civil War Photos” concludes this evening, but you’ll continue to see photo essays throughout the year on Emerging Civil War. We hope you’ve enjoyed these glimpses of battlefields and historic sites through our camera lenses.

As blog editors, we’re never quite sure how our writers will interpret the series’ topic – and that’s a good thing! It’s been wonderful to see the creativity and read through memories of “perfect” reflective moments.

One thing this series emphasized as it unfolded is the connection people feel to battlefields. In other words, battlefields make folks stop and think, wonder and imagine. You’ve read many musings in the recent photo essays as the photographers and authors try to explain those moments and the prompted thoughts inspired by that particular photo.

For some of us, holding that camera in our hands and peering at the landscapes focuses our minds as well as the images we shoot. It helps us see the details and gives us a frozen moment in time.

Thank you to all the ECW members and guest authors for sharing their work with us. It’s been wonderful to see our favorite places and anticipate the day when the snow melts, the grass greens, and we put on our battlefield hiking boots! Spring is coming, folks, and if “Our Favorite (Modern) Civil War Photos” has brightened your winter days, our mission for this blog series is accomplished. (And, of course, we hope you learned a few things along the way and found a few new locations to visit!)

If you want to indulge in all the photography from the series, you can find the entire two weeks of photos right here: modern-photography-17

Wishing you happy photo shooting, perfect sunrises, gorgeous storms, and many poignant musings in the coming seasons! And we couldn’t close this series without a few parting shots to celebrate all the seasons on the battlefields- enjoy…

The Innis House, Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania Military Park; photography by Chris Mackowski, 2017.
Peach Orchard March 2016
Peach Orchard; photography by Chris Mackowski, 2016.
Summer Shadows at Spotsylvania; photography by Sarah Kay Bierle, 2016.
Summer Shadows at Spotsylvania; photography by Sarah Kay Bierle, 2016.
Antietam Cornfield; ECW photographer “unknown”, September 2012.

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