My favorite is the Lincoln Library and Museum at Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, TN. The campus borders the Cumberland Gap National Park. Gen. O.O. Howard donated some very impressive items of Lincoln memorabilia.
For Washington, the site of importance early in his carrier is Winchester, VA. My favorite spot is a log cabin office , located at 32 W. CORK St. In that amazingly historic town.
My personal favorite has to be Springfield, Illinois which has 3 must see spots in my opinion. Most important is of course his final resting place. I could not stand there knowing all he went through, only to be killed when it was finally over without breaking down. And by no means do I feel comfortable talking about what I’m going to say and by no means do I mean to say it to make myself look cool cuz it doesn’t it was a duty, let’s just say I spent time overseas and unfortunately so many young men Parish. I only say that to let you know how emotional it is standing pet mr. Lincoln’s grave. The second place to visit is the only house mr. Lincoln ever owned, it’s a very special place where I’m sure you thought you would spend the rest of his life working as a lawyer living a relatively peaceful life. The third place I would visit are all the streets whereas a young lawyer mr. Lincoln turns himself and do a presidential candidate with is astonishingly articulate speeches and self-deprecating humor. With that side I still if it’s financially possible for you recommend going to the Lincoln Memorial although we’ve all seen it several times on TV you don’t feel or grasp the emotion or the scope and size of the monument until you see it in person. Also and honor of Daniel T Davis, I tried to keep my first reply on the new server under 4000 words just for you buddy, LMAO love you brother
I agree the Gettysburg spot is a great place to visit we’re obviously he gave his speech, the only problem though is there is much to be where exactly he gave the speech, some say where they built the Lincoln Monument other say it was a couple hundred yards away, forgive me but I can’t remember the other Monument
A few years ago, I took a day trip to Lincoln’s birthplace, boyhood home and the Lincoln Museum in Hodgenville, including my first viewing of the large Lincoln statue in the public square there. The birthplace building was closed for renovation, but it was still an enjoyable trip to see all of those sites.
George Washington in the French and Indian War (1754-1763)
“This story of George Washington once appeared in virtually every student text in America, but hasn’t been seen in the last forty years. This story deals with George Washington when he was involved in the French and Indian War as a young man only twenty-three years of age.
“The French and Indian War occurred twenty years before the American Revolution. It was the British against the French; the Americans sided with the British; and most of the Indians sided with the French. Both Great Britain and France disputed each other’s claims of territorial ownership along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers; both of them claimed the same land.
“Unable to settle the dispute diplomatically, Great Britain sent 2300 hand-picked, veteran British troops to America under General Edward Braddock to rout the French.
“The British troops arrived in Virginia, where George Washington (colonel of the Virginia militia) and 100 Virginia buckskins joined General Braddock. They divided their force; and General Braddock, George Washington, and 1300 troops marched north to expel the French from Fort Duquesne — now the city of Pittsburgh. On July 9, 1755 — only seven miles from the fort — while marching through a wooded ravine, they walked right into an ambush; the French and Indians opened fire on them from both sides.
“But these were British veterans; they knew exactly what to do. The problem was, they were veterans of European wars. European warfare was all in the open. One army lined up at one end of an open field, the other army lined up at the other end, they looked at each other, took aim, and fired. No running, no hiding, But here they were in the Pennsylvania woods with the French and Indians firing at them from the tops of trees, from behind rocks, and from under logs.
“When they came under fire, the British troops did exactly what they had been taught; they lined up shoulder-to-shoulder in the bottom of that ravine — and were slaughtered. At the end of two hours, 714 of the 1300 British and American troops had been shot down; only 30 of the French and Indians had been shot. There were 86 British and American officers involved in that battle; at the end of the battle, George Washington was the only officer who had not been shot down off his horse — he was the only officer left on horseback.
“Following this resounding defeat, Washington gathered the remaining troops and retreated back to Fort Cumberland in western Maryland, arriving there on July 17, 1755.
“The next day, Washington wrote a letter to his family explaining that after the battle was over, he had taken off his jacket and had found four bullet holes through it, yet not a single bullet had touched him; several horses had been shot from under him, but he had not been harmed. He told them:
“‘By the all powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation.’
“Washington openly acknowledged that God’s hand was upon him, that God had protected him and kept him through that battle.
“However, the story does not stop here. Fifteen years later, in 1770 — now a time of peace — George Washington and a close personal friend, Dr. James Craik, returned to those same Pennsylvania woods. An old Indian chief from far away, having heard that Washington had come back to those woods, traveled a long way just to meet with him.
“He sat down with Washington, and face-to-face over a council fire, the chief told Washington that he had been a leader in that battle fifteen years earlier, and that he had instructed his braves to single out all the officers and shoot them down. Washington had been singled out, and the chief explained that he personally had shot at Washington seventeen different times, but without effect. Believing Washington to be under the care of the Great Spirit, the chief instructed his braves to cease firing at him. He then told Washington:
“‘I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle…. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who can never die in battle.’”
Ditto on all of the above, but oddly enough, my fave is West Point. I’m reminded of cadets let out of classes for Washington’s birthday 1861. I picture them sitting in the chapel and later hearing the band play the “Star-spangled Banner” as it marched about the campus. Still later, I remember the shouting match that ensued between northern and southern cadets. They were all still alive then and full of hopes and dreams and glorified visions of war, with no idea what the coming storm would bring.
Both Lincoln and Washington were war presidents, and both fought for this country in ways I cannot imagine. We honor their service and sacrifice with mattress sales.
What moving testimonials to well-deserved places! I enjoyed Mt. Vernon, but just being in downtown Washington DC as very moving for me.To walk on the same streets as our earlier presidents–wow! Even a glass of chardonnay at Willards one evening made me a little teary. Snd taht was before the wine even got to the table!
For Lincoln, any site in Springfield, IL. Especially the Lincoln MUseum.
For Washington, my favorite location is Mount Vernon, what a fabulous tribute to our 1st President.
Concerning George Washington, my favorite place is the Yorktown battlefield. After all he and the fledgling attempt at a new country had endured, it all paid off there at Yorktown. GW’s military acumen has often been called into question, but his leadership delivered ultimate victory for the ex-colonies. Yorktown came about because of a tremendously complicated set of circumstances, and an equally complicated plan was enacted that covered great distances and extensive periods of time. Yet Washington and his allies and fellow commanders pulled it all off. It would have been an extraordinary feat in any era, much less 1781! Not too shabby at all!
As for Honest Abe, the statue of him and his son at the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond is quite poignant. One can only imagine the satisfaction he had walking those streets after all the ups and downs he had been through during the war. He had EARNED that. And to be able to make the trek with his son must have made it all even more so. His being there is a classic example of how his fortitude and perseverance had paid off. He stayed the course and didn’t flinch from it. And we’re all the better for that..
Embarrassingly I have to admit I do not know the exact location of Valley Forge. If anyone has the time and knowledge could you please let me know where the exact location is. Thank you God bless
Thank you very much doug pauly, I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know the answer to an incredibly embarrassing question I should have known. Now going to the University of Michigan I’m obviously a huge Tom Brady fan, does anyone know if they stopped lighting bonfires in Philadelphia yet? Just kidding everyone don’t get mad, it was the best game I’ve ever seen and I’m very happy for Philadelphia and Nick Foles. In all honesty though Doug thank you for the information. I must admit as a history major that was a very embarrassing question I had to ask. I will definitely make it one of my stops next summer.
With Washington, it is his beloved Mt Vernon, the center of his life and soul. With Lincoln, it is strangely enough the train station at Gettysburg. He was so restless, he never seemed complete, his life was an unfinished voyage.
The Lincoln Museum in Springfield, IL
My favorite is the Lincoln Library and Museum at Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, TN. The campus borders the Cumberland Gap National Park. Gen. O.O. Howard donated some very impressive items of Lincoln memorabilia.
For Washington, the site of importance early in his carrier is Winchester, VA. My favorite spot is a log cabin office , located at 32 W. CORK St. In that amazingly historic town.
My personal favorite has to be Springfield, Illinois which has 3 must see spots in my opinion. Most important is of course his final resting place. I could not stand there knowing all he went through, only to be killed when it was finally over without breaking down. And by no means do I feel comfortable talking about what I’m going to say and by no means do I mean to say it to make myself look cool cuz it doesn’t it was a duty, let’s just say I spent time overseas and unfortunately so many young men Parish. I only say that to let you know how emotional it is standing pet mr. Lincoln’s grave. The second place to visit is the only house mr. Lincoln ever owned, it’s a very special place where I’m sure you thought you would spend the rest of his life working as a lawyer living a relatively peaceful life. The third place I would visit are all the streets whereas a young lawyer mr. Lincoln turns himself and do a presidential candidate with is astonishingly articulate speeches and self-deprecating humor. With that side I still if it’s financially possible for you recommend going to the Lincoln Memorial although we’ve all seen it several times on TV you don’t feel or grasp the emotion or the scope and size of the monument until you see it in person. Also and honor of Daniel T Davis, I tried to keep my first reply on the new server under 4000 words just for you buddy, LMAO love you brother
Hahahahahaha, thanks Jeffrey 😉 Please write as much as you wish!
Fort Necessity.
Mount Vernon
For recalling President Washington, Mount Vernon
For recalling President Lincoln, Gettysburg National Cemetary and the site of the Address
I agree the Gettysburg spot is a great place to visit we’re obviously he gave his speech, the only problem though is there is much to be where exactly he gave the speech, some say where they built the Lincoln Monument other say it was a couple hundred yards away, forgive me but I can’t remember the other Monument
For me, nothing beats standing at the Lincoln Memorial and reading the Gettysburg Address and, in particular, the end of the Second Inaugural Address:
A few years ago, I took a day trip to Lincoln’s birthplace, boyhood home and the Lincoln Museum in Hodgenville, including my first viewing of the large Lincoln statue in the public square there. The birthplace building was closed for renovation, but it was still an enjoyable trip to see all of those sites.
I might try it again this spring.
George Washington in the French and Indian War (1754-1763)
“This story of George Washington once appeared in virtually every student text in America, but hasn’t been seen in the last forty years. This story deals with George Washington when he was involved in the French and Indian War as a young man only twenty-three years of age.
“The French and Indian War occurred twenty years before the American Revolution. It was the British against the French; the Americans sided with the British; and most of the Indians sided with the French. Both Great Britain and France disputed each other’s claims of territorial ownership along the Ohio and Mississippi rivers; both of them claimed the same land.
“Unable to settle the dispute diplomatically, Great Britain sent 2300 hand-picked, veteran British troops to America under General Edward Braddock to rout the French.
“The British troops arrived in Virginia, where George Washington (colonel of the Virginia militia) and 100 Virginia buckskins joined General Braddock. They divided their force; and General Braddock, George Washington, and 1300 troops marched north to expel the French from Fort Duquesne — now the city of Pittsburgh. On July 9, 1755 — only seven miles from the fort — while marching through a wooded ravine, they walked right into an ambush; the French and Indians opened fire on them from both sides.
“But these were British veterans; they knew exactly what to do. The problem was, they were veterans of European wars. European warfare was all in the open. One army lined up at one end of an open field, the other army lined up at the other end, they looked at each other, took aim, and fired. No running, no hiding, But here they were in the Pennsylvania woods with the French and Indians firing at them from the tops of trees, from behind rocks, and from under logs.
“When they came under fire, the British troops did exactly what they had been taught; they lined up shoulder-to-shoulder in the bottom of that ravine — and were slaughtered. At the end of two hours, 714 of the 1300 British and American troops had been shot down; only 30 of the French and Indians had been shot. There were 86 British and American officers involved in that battle; at the end of the battle, George Washington was the only officer who had not been shot down off his horse — he was the only officer left on horseback.
“Following this resounding defeat, Washington gathered the remaining troops and retreated back to Fort Cumberland in western Maryland, arriving there on July 17, 1755.
“The next day, Washington wrote a letter to his family explaining that after the battle was over, he had taken off his jacket and had found four bullet holes through it, yet not a single bullet had touched him; several horses had been shot from under him, but he had not been harmed. He told them:
“‘By the all powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation.’
“Washington openly acknowledged that God’s hand was upon him, that God had protected him and kept him through that battle.
“However, the story does not stop here. Fifteen years later, in 1770 — now a time of peace — George Washington and a close personal friend, Dr. James Craik, returned to those same Pennsylvania woods. An old Indian chief from far away, having heard that Washington had come back to those woods, traveled a long way just to meet with him.
“He sat down with Washington, and face-to-face over a council fire, the chief told Washington that he had been a leader in that battle fifteen years earlier, and that he had instructed his braves to single out all the officers and shoot them down. Washington had been singled out, and the chief explained that he personally had shot at Washington seventeen different times, but without effect. Believing Washington to be under the care of the Great Spirit, the chief instructed his braves to cease firing at him. He then told Washington:
“‘I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle…. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who can never die in battle.’”
America’s Godly Heritage
by David Barton
thank you for rer telling of this great story i used it once for a church program on God intervention in our country beginning
Ditto on all of the above, but oddly enough, my fave is West Point. I’m reminded of cadets let out of classes for Washington’s birthday 1861. I picture them sitting in the chapel and later hearing the band play the “Star-spangled Banner” as it marched about the campus. Still later, I remember the shouting match that ensued between northern and southern cadets. They were all still alive then and full of hopes and dreams and glorified visions of war, with no idea what the coming storm would bring.
Both Lincoln and Washington were war presidents, and both fought for this country in ways I cannot imagine. We honor their service and sacrifice with mattress sales.
Lincolns home in Springfield and Valley Forge.
What moving testimonials to well-deserved places! I enjoyed Mt. Vernon, but just being in downtown Washington DC as very moving for me.To walk on the same streets as our earlier presidents–wow! Even a glass of chardonnay at Willards one evening made me a little teary. Snd taht was before the wine even got to the table!
For Lincoln, any site in Springfield, IL. Especially the Lincoln MUseum.
For Washington, my favorite location is Mount Vernon, what a fabulous tribute to our 1st President.
Concerning George Washington, my favorite place is the Yorktown battlefield. After all he and the fledgling attempt at a new country had endured, it all paid off there at Yorktown. GW’s military acumen has often been called into question, but his leadership delivered ultimate victory for the ex-colonies. Yorktown came about because of a tremendously complicated set of circumstances, and an equally complicated plan was enacted that covered great distances and extensive periods of time. Yet Washington and his allies and fellow commanders pulled it all off. It would have been an extraordinary feat in any era, much less 1781! Not too shabby at all!
As for Honest Abe, the statue of him and his son at the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond is quite poignant. One can only imagine the satisfaction he had walking those streets after all the ups and downs he had been through during the war. He had EARNED that. And to be able to make the trek with his son must have made it all even more so. His being there is a classic example of how his fortitude and perseverance had paid off. He stayed the course and didn’t flinch from it. And we’re all the better for that..
Washington Monument State Park on South Mountain, above Boonsboro, MD. What an awesome view across the valley toward Sharpsburg and beyond.
Embarrassingly I have to admit I do not know the exact location of Valley Forge. If anyone has the time and knowledge could you please let me know where the exact location is. Thank you God bless
It’s about 15 to 20 miles north and west of Philadelphia, PA.
Thank you very much doug pauly, I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know the answer to an incredibly embarrassing question I should have known. Now going to the University of Michigan I’m obviously a huge Tom Brady fan, does anyone know if they stopped lighting bonfires in Philadelphia yet? Just kidding everyone don’t get mad, it was the best game I’ve ever seen and I’m very happy for Philadelphia and Nick Foles. In all honesty though Doug thank you for the information. I must admit as a history major that was a very embarrassing question I had to ask. I will definitely make it one of my stops next summer.
With Washington, it is his beloved Mt Vernon, the center of his life and soul. With Lincoln, it is strangely enough the train station at Gettysburg. He was so restless, he never seemed complete, his life was an unfinished voyage.