ECW Celebrates Women’s History Month 2018
March is Women’s History Month, and to commemorate the event this year, ECW has a special treat. Last year, we profiled a number of women working in the field of Civil War public history; this year, we’re doing something similar, although we’re going to spend some time talking in-depth. Editor-in-Chief Chris Mackowski sat down with four women working in the field and asked them to share their stories and talk a bit about their work.
We’ll hear from:
- Mary Koik, editor of the Civil War Trust’s Hallowed Ground magazine
- Dr. Caroline Janney, history professor at Purdue University and past president of the Society for Civil War Historians
- Elizabeth Heffernan, executive director of the Central Virginia Battlefields Trust
- Emma Murphy, historian/ranger at Andrew Johnson National Historic Site
Hopefully the variety of backgrounds and experiences will help give you a greater appreciation for the wide variety of work being done in Civil War public history today.
Our coverage begins next Monday, March 5, with one interview per week through the end of the month.
“Women’s History Month has been something particularly important to me for more than twenty years,” Chris explains. “That probably makes some people scratch their heads a bit. However, once I became the father of a little girl, I wanted to be sure she had good role models to look up to while she was growing up. Her hero was Stonewall Jackson, who once said, ‘You may be whatever you resolve to be.’ I wanted her to see role models who showed her that was true.”