Week In Review: July 9-15, 2018
Hope you are all staying cool! Several of the Emerging Civil War members have been leading tours and lecturing this week.
Monday, July 9:
Question of the Week offered a chance to share what you’re reading this summer.
Guest author Kristen M. Pawlak shared about General John S. Bowen and the surrender at Vicksburg.
Ryan Quint wrote about the aftermath of the Battle of Monocacy.
Tuesday, July 10:
Guest author Neil P. Chatelain discussed the end of slavery in Indian Territories after the 13th Amendment.
Wednesday, July 11:
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about the fate of horses and mules during Gettysburg’s aftermath.
Thursday, July 12:
Dwight Hughes added Part 2 of his research about the Mississippi River Squadron.
Chris Mackowski began reporting from the American Battlefield Trust’s Teacher Institute.
Highlights from Kris White’s lecture about the American wars.
Friday, July 13:
A report on Garry Adelman’s “photo extravaganza” at the Teacher Institute.
ECW Weekender post highlighting the upcoming event, featuring camels at Vicksburg!
Dan Welch taught ways to incorporate musical selections in history studies at the Teacher Institute.
Saturday, July 14:
Preservation News shared an Eagle Scout’s project to restore part of Chancellorsville Battlefield.
Chris Mackowski shared more news and photos from Philadelphia and the Teacher Institute.
Save the date and register for the ECW Pop-Up Tour next weekend at Antietam!