Week In Review: August 26-September 1, 2019
From uniforms to statues, the Mexican-American War, Culpeper history, casualties at Second Massasas, and plans for the weekend…it’s been a full week on the ECW blog. Catch all the links to all the blog posts in our Week in Review, and have a fantastic holiday weekend!
Monday, August 26:
Question of the Week asked about Civil War uniforms.
Chris Mackowski shared about a statue of General Grant in Georgetown.
Part 2 of Grant in Georgetown
Tuesday, August 27:
Additional Podcast Resources have been collected for “General Douglas MacArthur: Ties To The Civil War”
Edward Alexander found a soldier’s unique way of writing for the newspaper…
Wednesday, August 28:
Frank Jastrzembski detailed how battle experience during the Mexican War affected future Civil War leaders.
Robert Lee Hodge toured through Culpeper history on his road to Gettysburg.
The August ECW Newsletter is now available!
Thursday, August 29:
Kevin Pawlak shared how the fall of Fort Donelson changed Confederate strategy.
Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about Willie Preston – “Stonewall” Jackson’s young kinsman who died at Second Manassas.
Brian Steel Wills will be presenting at the MacArthur Memorial Symposium which ECW is helping to sponsor.
Friday, August 30
Meg Groeling published a post about Walt Whitman and reflections on the Civil War.
Sarah Kay Bierle shared about her preparations and plans for Labor Day Weekend.
Saturday, August 31:
Saving History Saturday – check out the very latest news from the preservation field.
Sunday, September 1:
This morning the updated list of ECW presentations in September and October is available. Will we be at your CWRT or history group?