Question of the Week: 12/9-12/15/19
We’re working on our holiday gift lists…and we’re curious: what books are on your wish list? There have been so many new releases for Civil War titles this year and of course a gazillion of publications about the war since 1861. What are you wishing for?
Oh, the list is massive. Some highlights are “Shenandoah 1862 : Stonewall Jackson’s Valley Campaign” by Peter Cozzens, “The Stones River and Tullahoma Campaigns : This Army Does Not Retreat” by Christopher L. Kolakowski (in prep for visiting Stones River in January), “Aberration of Mind : Suicide and Suffering in the Civil War-Era South” by Diane Miller Sommerville, and “This Grand Experiment : When Women Entered the Federal Workforce in Civil War-Era Washington, D. C.” by Jessica Ziparo. But those are just a few.
My Christmas wish list:
]Vicksburg by Donald L. Miller and Reconstruction by Eric Foner.
F. Norman Vickers
Civil War Roundtable, Pensacola, FL.
Not a book, but Wm. Britain miniatures to build the Battle of Fort Stevens diorama in my office
Marvel’s biography of Fitz John Porter. Okay, there isn’t even an ETA from UNC Press (maybe because it’s not done yet) but I want it now. Lots of challenging stuff for the author (a noted contrarian) to take on. Lots.
John, I concur with you on that!
Kevin: We could always head to Chapel Hill and stage a sit-in until we at least get some galleys. Marvel was quoted in his local (Conway NH) newspaper last winter in which he mentioned this in the course of a letter to the editor about some local governmental dispute.
My ultimate dream gift is a complete set of OR’s. Santa would need to add some extra suspension to his sleigh. But he’s Santa and I have the utmost confidence in his ability and command presence this time of year to make it happen. Of course I’d settle for a signed copy of Chris Mack’s Mine Run book. Who knows, maybe my wish comes true if I can make it to Stevenson Ridge this August.
Merry Christmas to Everyone at ECW!