Week In Review: May 17-24, 2020
It was a milestone week at ECW as we published our 5,000 blog post! Thanks for being part of our online adventure and journey.
Sunday, May 17:
Sarah Kay Bierle posted Part 8 of the Hospital and Camp read-along.
Monday, May 18:
Question of the Week focused on officers who didn’t make it to general.
Kristen Pawlak wrote about Shiloh’s causalities buried at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery.
Tuesday, May 19:
Steve Davis added notes on Oliver O. Howard and that officer’s writings in the National Tribune.
Sarah Kay Bierle is rethinking 20th Century Civil War studies and looking at old newspapers.
Wednesday, May 20:
Jon-Erik Gilot shared a reminiscence about serving with Lee and Grant.
Chris Mackowksi added a video about the race to the North Anna River.
Thursday, May 21:
Sarah Kay Bierle added a primary source about the Second Battle of Fredericksburg.
Kevin Pawlak wrote about Henry Hunt remembering the Battle of Chancellorsville.
Friday, May 22:
Saturday, May 23:
Saving History Saturday spotlighted a new land easement near Antietam National Battlefield.
Chris Mackowski posted about his search for the Battle of Front Royal.
Chris Mackowski added a video from the Fox House at North Anna.
Sunday, May 24:
This morning Meg Groeling remembered Ellsworth’s death with a reflection on his letters and dreams.