Week In Review: June 14-21, 2020

The days and news headlines are marching quickly by as we officially start the summer season. ECW is keeping up with fresh perspectives and, of course, the traditional history and primary sources, too. Hope you have had a safe week and stayed cool as the temperatures rise!

Here’s the ECW Week in Review:

Sunday, June 14:

In the evening, Chris Mackowski posted “a hodge podge of stuff” (his own words) relating to Civil War history and the current news to wrap-up the week.

Monday, June 15:

Question of the Week spotlighted the Vicksburg Campaign.

An update for the 2020 ECW Symposium…

Sean Michael Chick posted some some historiography about two views of the Lost Cause.

Tuesday, June 16:

Dan Welch shared Part 4 of his series Traveling to Gettysburg, focusing on a veteran reunion.

Meg Groeling shared her perspective about Nascar and the decision about the Confederate battle flag.

BREAKING NEWS from American Battlefield Trust reveals the discovery of a new Antietam map, showing previously unknown burial information.

Wednesday, June 17:

JoAnna M. McDonald shared about fear, battle, and how Civil War soldiers responded.

Sarah Kay Bierle added a primary source letter from a Union soldier, describing when the Army of the Potomac crossed the James River.

Edward Alexander posted about the image of Aunt Jemima and its ties to the Lost Cause.

Thursday, June 18:

Cecily Nelson Zander added information about the Appomattox surrender and how it has been depicted in historic art. 

Chris Mackowski posted his perspective on the difference between history and memory as it relates to Civil War statues. 

JoAnna M. McDonald shared a post-script to her previous article about fear and battle.

Friday, June 19:

ECW Weekender gave a short re-cap of Juneteenth history and included links for the virtual tour at James Madison’s Montpelier which explored Civil War era emancipation in Central Virginia.

Saturday, June 20:

Saving History Saturday highlighted a new article from the Architectural Digest, asking how COVID-19 is/will affect small preservation societies or historic house museums.

Sunday, June 21:

This morning Sarah Kay Bierle added Part 13 of the read-along through Sophronia Bucklin’s field hospital memoirs.

1 Response to Week In Review: June 14-21, 2020

  1. A brief glance at what ECW has done this week should put to rest rumors that we don’t do any Civil war anymore.

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