Week In Review: November 22-29, 2020

We hope you’ve had a nice week and start of the holiday season. You’ll find some fun Civil War cooking experiments and gratitude lists to celebrate Thanksgiving and some details about lessons from Fredericksburg, night at Paynes Farm, JFK in Texas, and poetry from Whitman. Happy reading!

Sunday, November 22:

In the evening Chris Mackowski posted about John F. Kennedy’s arrival in Dallas, Texas.

Monday, November 23:

Question of the Week highlighted best corps commander for the Army of the Potomac.

Civil War Cooking: Sarah Kay Bierle posted an introduction for her historical cooking experiments series.

Tuesday, November 24:

Ryan Quint wrote about Edwin Sumner, Fredericksburg, and the Chickahominy.

Civil War Cooking: Apples and corn cooked according to the 17th Virginia memoirs.

Wednesday, November 25:

Civil War Cooking: Recreating a breakfast for the 61st New York officer’s mess at Harrison’s Landing during the summer of 1862.

Civil War Cooking: Re-building a cake that was sent to Robert E. Lee’s headquarters.

The ECW November 2020 newsletter is available!

Thursday, November 26:

Happy Thanksgiving! And we’re focusing on gratitude…

Civil War Cooking: Here’s the replica of what was served for Thanksgiving Dinner at Wolfe Street Hospital. Hint: it’s not turkey.

Friday, November 27:

Civil War Cooking: What was on the menu when Jackson’s soldiers captured supplies at Manassas in August 1862?

Chris Mackowski wrote about Santa’s party in November—the dress rehearsal for Christmas.

Chris Mackowski posted what happened after dark at Payne’s Farm in 1863.

Saturday, November 28:

Saving History Saturday: Get ready for Giving Tuesday and here are a few of ECW’s favorite non-profits who are preserving history or advancing discussions about the past.

Civil War Cooking: Here’s what was cooking in Louisiana at Colonel Bartlett’s camp when he hosted company at his headquarters.

Sunday, November 29:

Weekly Whitman: Meg Groeling highlighted the poem “Thick-Sprinkled Bunting.”

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