Week In Review: August 23-29, 2021


This week we wrapped up the Fallen Leaders Blog Series, reviewed a few books, released a new podcast episode, chatted about Reconstruction, and more…

Monday, August 23:

Question of the Week focused on cavalry skirmishes.

Guest author Guy Hasegawa shared about his research on Samuel Preston Moore for his new book.

Fallen Leaders: George A. Custer (by Caroline Davis)

Tuesday, August 24:

There’s a new ECW Podcast Episode, and Sean Michael Chick talked about the Bermuda Hundred Campaign.

Meg Groeling reviewed Marriage on the Border.

Fallen Leaders: Earl Van Dorn’s gravesite (by Chris Mackowski)

Wednesday, August 25:

ECW welcomes Neil P. Chatelain!

Guest author Katy Berman shared about family reconstruction.

Fallen Leaders: Admiral Andrew H. Foote (by Dwight Hughes)

Thursday, August 26:

Sean Michael Chick reviewed Vicksburg Besieged.

Guest author Patrick Young looked at how stories of atrocities in Civil War prison camps increased post war antagonism.

Fallen Leaders: Conclusion

Friday, August 27:

Sheritta Bitikofer wrote about her visit to the Reconstruction Era National Historical Park and finding Miss Susie.

ECW Weekender: Sarah Kay Bierle posted about Trevilian Station with notes about the driving tour and hiking trails.

The August 2021 ECW Newsletter is available – check your inboxes or read online!

Saturday, August 28:

Saving History Saturday: Franklin Battlefield gets a new marker

Sunday, August 29:

Weekly Whitman: Meg Groeling posted about Whitman’s views on 1862.

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