Week In Review: October 10-17, 2021

The “Under Fire” blog series continued, books were reviewed, Jackson and Gettysburg(?), and much more on the ECW blog this week…

Sunday, October 10:

In the evening, Chris Mackowski shared about Gordon Rhea’s new book Stephen A. Swails: Black Freedom Fighter in the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Monday, October 11:

Question of the Week highlighted Civil War movie scores.

Under Fire: Dwight Hughes wrote about sailors under fire at Hampton Roads.

Tuesday, October 12:

Under Fire: Neil P. Chatelain shared about first ironclad shots.

Book Review: David T. Dixon reviewed Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

Wednesday, October 13:

Jon Tracey shared about Mark Twain’s internal civil war.

Under Fire: Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about John Pelham at First Manassas.

Thursday, October 14:

Sheritta Bitikofer shared about her recent experiences in museum work and handling difficult artifacts.

Under Fire: Sarah Kay Bierle posted an account from a Confederate veteran remembering the 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery experiencing fire for the first time.

Check out the new video of Chris Mackowski’s presentation about Stonewall Jackson at Gettysburg on YouTube.

Friday, October 15:

Guest author Joe Owens shared an account of a Texas color bearer at Devil’s Den.

ECW Weekender: Sarah Kay Bierle wrote about her recent trip to Ball’s Bluff Battlefield.

ECW Weekender: Check out what’s happening at Cedar Creek Battlefield this weekend for the anniversary.

Saturday, October 16:

Saving History Saturday: Central Virginia Battlefields Trust is working to preserve an artillery position at Jackson’s Flank Attack on Chancellorsville Battlefield.

Sunday, October 17:

Weekly Whitman: Meg Groeling posted another reflective poem.

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